Poem for Centrists

naturally I’d hate it if the Khmer
Rouge were suddenly in power
and I were sent to starve out in the fields
or be reformed progressively into a small
nondescript broken skull

and naturally I do hate it that
people do starve in their homes
under threat of eviction
certified fit to endure without respite
ingenious cruelty

the natural way of things is money’s way
as birds in baby beaks drop currency
as gilded birds strut bravely into traffic
as feathers swirl amid unswerving traffic
as silver feathers clog the public drains
as traffic thunders over matted feathers
and so on in that unforced sort of way
that money has when liberal and carefree
in shining confidence in its terrific
motorised puissance


122 Words

2019-11-27 17:03:00